Living the Premium Lifestyle

Racing to the Top

Newfound energy inspires Gemma Lyte to spread the word in Australia.

Sydney, Australia-based Gemma Lyte was a tired mother of three boys – ages 15, 9 and 12 weeks. “I was homebound and living on cake and coffee,” she remembers. “I was drained, bored and unhappy. Definitely not the best head space.”

She says that “I was desperate for someone or something to come into my life at the right time.” 

Then, a friend introduced Lyte to the THRIVE Experience. “From Day 1, I felt amazing, and it got better every single day,” she says. 

By Day 4 of her THRIVE Experience, Lyte shared with friends how great she felt, and they followed her lead and bought their own THRIVE Experience almost immediately. “I became a Promoter once my first month’s supply arrived,” Lyte says.

 I was desperate for someone or something to come into my life at the right time.”

Recently Lyte was watching an episode of the Le-Vel 200K Documentary Series. “One woman said she felt like she didn’t eat or shower a lot in her first month,” she laughs. “That reminds me of myself in my first weeks as a Promoter because I was so busy sharing the THRIVE Experience with everyone I knew.”

Lyte relies on social media and one-on-one conversations to spread the word about Le-Vel and its products. “Le-Vel has given me an amazing opportunity and has been growing so fast already here in Australia,” she says.

Her best advice when you’re new to sharing? “Be honest and try not to care too much what others may think of you,” Lyte says. “Be open to sharing what you were like before and how THRIVE has changed you, and what it’s done for your family and customers.”

Lyte makes it a habit to talk to more than 15 people a day. “It’s not a chore for me because I love it,” says Lyte, who also spends up to an hour on the phone daily following up with her customers and team.

Now a 12K Promoter on her way up, Lyte credits her quick success with not giving up. “I just share my story,” she says. “If you can live your best life and share it with other women who are mothers like yourself and going through a similar experience, it’s easy. I have several customers now who are out of bed living a better life.”

She says she talks to potential THRIVERS by simply saying to them, “ ‘Do you want to become the best you can be? If so, then you’ve got to try THRIVE. It’s a true game changer.’ ” She continues with a pitch that is personal, is heartfelt and is absolutely true: “ ‘It has changed my life for the better, and I know it can change yours, too!’ ”

Today, Lyte feels like she’s got herself back. “My life has done a complete 180, as I wasn’t in a great place prior to THRIVE, living on sugar and coffee and just robotically existing,” she says. “My kids are happier now that they have their mum back, and my relationship with my partner is back on track. THRIVE has changed my life in so many ways. Talking about it really brings a tear to my eye.”

The success shown in these profiles is not typical of the success, if any, a Le-Vel Brand Promoter can or will have.
There are no financial guarantees.